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Por lo tanto, la presente investigación estará enfocada específicamente a los alumnos del área de programación en Java de la FIT de la UM y no es aplicable en un ciento por ciento a todas las universidades. Introducción En la FIT de la UM hay un problema de aprendizaje por parte de los alumnos en las materias referentes a la programación en Java este proyecto está orientado a ofrecer la mejor herramienta de aprendizaje que les facilite a los alumnos de primer año el aprendizaje de los principios de programación en Java, aunque también podrá ser útil para los alumnos de grados avanzados pero que se les dificulte aprender o no hayan comprendido los conceptos básicos de programación en Java. Finally, we demonstrate that trace-based teaching led to statistically significant improvements student grades, decreased drop and failure rates, and an improvement in students' programming abilities.

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We report the results of student surveys showing that instructor tracing was rated as the most valuable piece of the course and students' overwhelming agreement on the importance of the tracing activities for their learning. We use these traces to drive our lectures and to act as key pieces of our active learning activities.


We present program memory traces, a new approach for tracing code that models what occurs in memory as a program executes. This paper presents the results of an experiment in which introductory programming courses were organized around code tracing. We will show that accurately modeling what is occurring in memory and requiring students to trace code using this model improves student performance and increases retention.

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This struggle leads to lowered student learning outcomes and, it has been argued, the high failure and dropout rates commonly seen in these courses. Students in introductory programming courses struggle with building the mental models that correctly describe concepts such as variables, subroutine calls, and dynamic memory usage.

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