Chess games
Chess games

chess games

Grandmaster Susan Polgar player 326 opponents simultaneously at a shopping mall in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida on July, 2005. Reinfeld wrote 102 chess books and 260 books in total from other subjects.

chess games

Other chess authors of over 100 chess books include Fred Reinfeld, Eric Schiler, and Eduard Gufeld. Raymond Keene has authored over 100 books on chess, more than any other author. In each of these openings White wins between 35 - 37% of the time. The next most popular first moves are 1.d4, 1.Nf3 and 1.c4 in that order. e4 is the most popular first move in Chess. Bill Wall has written over 1,000 chess articles for magazines and published on the Internet. Edward Winter has published over 7,000 chess articles in his Chess Notes. Of the 46 games he won 25, drew 19, and lost 2 in 21 hours of play. In November 2011, Marc Lang of Germany played 46 opponents blindfold simultaneously. He won 31, drew 3, and lost 18 in 12 hours of play. Flesch was permitted to verbally recount the scores of the games in progress. In 1934, George Koltanowski played 34 games blindfolded, winning 23 and drawing 10. In São Paulo in 1947 Miguel Najdorf played 45 opponents with the result of 39 wins, four draws and two losses. However Najdorf was allowed to look at the scoresheets during the match. In October 1960, Janos Flesch of Hungary played 52 opponents blindfold simultaneously. Most blindfold games played simultaneously. In December 1960, George Koltanowski played 56 opponents blindfold consecutively (not simultaneously) in San Franciso. Most blindfold games played consecutively. In 1995, Robert Smeltzer of Dallas played 2,266 USCF-rated games in one year, the most ever.

Chess games